Elementary Camp Baldwin
June 2-5
Perdido Bay Kids! is going to Camp Baldwin from June 2 – 5! If your child is currently in 3rd through 5th grade, don’t let them miss out on this opportunity to strengthen their friendships and their personal relationship with Christ through worship, Bible study, and recreation. Summer Camp 2025 is $185. A deposit of $90 is due upon registration to secure your child’s spot. Registration will begin on April 3 and the deadline is May 4. You can pick up a registration form from our Elementary Children's Director, Rachel Criss or at the Children's Hub (or click HERE to print one on your own). Scholarship assistance is available.
Elementary/Middle School Transformance Sports Camp
June 16-19, 9:45-11:45am
A week of fun while growing stronger mentally and physically! Elementary and Middle School students are invited to come for 4 mornings of gym games, weight lifting, cardio, snacks, and devotions! Contact mike.pindel@gmail.com for more info.
Middle/High School Camp Baldwin
June 23-27
Youth (Grades 6-12) will be going to Camp Baldwin! We will have a blast together making memories through swimming (pool AND lake!), campfires, playing crazy games and growing deeper in our relationship with each other and Christ. The deadline to signup is May 31st. Cost per camper is $230 (Price includes Camp Fee, Food, Lodging and T-Shirt). Sign-up by clicking HERE or contacting Ryan Etheredge at youth@perdidobay.church.
Elementary Worship Arts Camp
July 14-18 from 9:00-2:00 pm
Friday, July 18: Art and Performance Showcase at 2:00 pm
Worship Arts Camp is our own version of Vacation Bible School but with a focus on visual arts, dance, singing, instruments, and more! Children who have completed Kindergarten-5th grade for the 2024-2025 school year are welcome to attend. Registration will open Sunday, April 27th online via our Google Form. Space is limited, so please consider registering soon! There will be a $15.00 registration fee that includes a camp shirt as well as daily lunch and snacks. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Rachel Criss at elementary@perdidobay.church.